libfswatch  1.9.3
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 cevent.hEvent type manipulation
 cfilter.hHeader of the libfswatch library functions for filter management
 cmonitor.hHeader of the libfswatch library defining the monitor types
 error.hError values
 libfswatch.cppMain libfswatch source file
 libfswatch.hHeader of the libfswatch library
 libfswatch_log.hHeader of the libfswatch library containing logging functions.
 libfswatch_types.hHeader of the libfswatch library containing common types
 string_utils.hppHeader of the fsw::string_utils namespace
 win_directory_change_event.hppHeader of the fsw::directory_change_event class
 win_error_message.hppHeader of the fsw::win_error_message class
 win_handle.hppHeader of the fsw::win_handle class
 win_paths.hppHeader of the fsw::win_paths namespace
 win_strings.hppHeader of the fsw::win_strings namespace
 event.hppHeader of the fsw::event class
 fen_monitor.hppSolaris/Illumos monitor
 filter.hppHeader of the fsw::monitor_filter class
 fsevents_monitor.hppOS X FSEvents monitor
 inotify_monitor.hppSolaris/Illumos monitor
 kqueue_monitor.hppkqueue monitor
 libfswatch_exception.hppBase exception of the libfswatch library
 libfswatch_map.hppHeader defining the associative container used by the library
 libfswatch_set.hppHeader defining the default set type used by the library
 monitor.hppHeader of the fsw::monitor class
 path_utils.hppHeader defining utility functions to manipulate paths
 poll_monitor.hppstat() based monitor
 windows_monitor.hppWindows monitor