libfswatch  1.9.3
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NfswMain namespace of libfswatch
 Cdirectory_change_eventHeader of the fsw::directory_change_event class, a helper class to wrap Microsoft Windows' ReadDirectoryChangesW function and a common workflow to detect file system changes
 CeventType representing a file change event
 Cfen_monitorSolaris/Illumos monitor
 Cfsevents_monitorOS X FSEvents monitor
 Cinotify_monitorSolaris/Illumos monitor
 Ckqueue_monitorSolaris/Illumos monitor
 Clibfsw_exceptionBase exception of the libfswatch library
 CmonitorBase class of all monitors
 Cmonitor_factoryObject factory class for fsw::monitor instances
 Cmonitor_filterPath filters used to accept or reject file change events
 Cmonitor_registrantHelper class to register monitor factories
 Cpoll_monitorstat()-based monitor
 Cwin_error_messageHelper class to get the system-defined error message for a Microsoft Windows' error code
 Cwin_handleA RAII wrapper around Microsoft Windows HANDLE
 Cwindows_monitorWindows monitor
 Cfsw_event_type_filterEvent type filter