semver-utils  1.1.0
semver-utils Documentation


libsemver is a C++ library with C bindings that provides the following functionality:

Versions are checked against Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (


See the History page.

Available Bindings

libsemver is a C++ library with C bindings which makes it available to a wide range of programming languages. If a programming language has C bindings, then libsemver can be used from it. The C binding provides all the functionality provided by the C++ implementation and it can be used as a fallback solution when the C++ API cannot be used.

libtool's versioning scheme

libtool's versioning scheme is described by three integers: current:revision:age where:

Reporting Bugs and Suggestions

If you find problems or have suggestions about this program or this manual, please report them as new issues in the official GitHub repository at Please, read the file for detailed instructions on how to contribute to fswatch.